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Global AI Ethics: Examples, Directory, and a Call to Action (MAIEI article)

TL;DR of the article:

In this MAIEI article, I argue that Western countries are massively over-represented in the AI ethics literature. Moreover, I argue that this Western dominance in AI ethics disadvantage those who are affiliated with other regions and traditions.

Here are a few ways it can happen, a call to action, and a directory of experts. ➤ Difference in values Western guidelines for ethical AI sometimes conflict with non-Western value systems. For example, as Mary Carmen and Benjamin Rosman point out, many African cultures have communitarian values. These conflict with the individualism that is sometimes assumed in Western AI ethics. ➤ Different needs, circumstances, and traditions Lack of familiarity with cultures outside the West can lead to designing systems that fail to serve the needs of people in other regions and traditions. For example, as Prof. Angie Abdilla and her collogues point out, did you know that in Australian Aboriginal traditions it is very important that one avoids speaking or exchanging goods with their in-laws? What if a smart fridge shares one’s food preferences with their mother-in-law? ➤ Different perspectives on AI People in different regions on the world have different attitudes towards AI. For example, an Ipsos survey found a correlation between people’s trust level in AI and their country’s economic development level. ➤ We should work to change the landscape of AI ethics to include more perspectives! To that end, Emmanuel R. Goffi, PhD and I have complied directory of people with expertise in non-Western AI ethics. You can find it in the article. it includes the names and contact information of the experts, as well as links to samples of their work.

➤ Read the full article here



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