Report on AI regulation in Africa
New report on AI regulation in Africa! It’s the first I've seen and it's excellent. Some highlights and reflections.
➤ The report, by the Tech Hive Advisory, covers AI and data regulation efforts in 55 African countries
➤ AI laws and strategies
Of the 55 countries:
👉 5 adopted specific national AI strategies
👉 15 established an AI task force, expert body, agency, council, or committee
👉 6 countries plan or already attempt to enact AI laws (Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Zimbabwe)
👉 Some countries adopt a sector-specific approach to AI regulation (E.g., Mauritania, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania)
➤ Data protection laws
Of the 55 countries:
👉 37 have enacted data protection laws
👉 29 have established or designated a body to enforce their data protection laws
👉 33 include in these laws the right not to be subject to algorithmic decision-making
👉 30 include in these laws specify fairness as a principle of data processing
➤ Some reflections
⚡So much activity in Africa!
⚡I was struck by the fact that data protection laws commonly include protection from AI decision-making and fairness. I think many Western data laws don't have these components.
➤ Does anyone have additional insights on AI regulation in Africa? Join the discussion in the LinkedIn thread!