Dec 12, 2022
Responsible Investing in AI: A Guidebook for VC
I am so, so excited to share my "Responsible Investing in AI: A Guidebook for VC"! I've been working on it for the last year with...

Sep 29, 2022
A list of AI ethics documentaries
How do AI and related technologies impact people? Here is a list of documentaries that can help understand.

Jul 22, 2022
The Bot Next Door Podcast: AI ethics for startups and investors
The Bot Next Door podcast hosted me for a conversation about AI ethics.

Jun 19, 2022
Published: The Values Encoded in Machine Learning Research (academic paper)
TL;DR: Social and political values are deeply embedded in machine learning.

Nov 16, 2021
The Proliferation of AI Ethics Principles: What’s Next? (MAIEI article)
I review 5 reviews of AI ethics principles