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GenAI policy spotlight: Polyaula

Every organization (and person!) needs a policy for the safe use of generative AI. Here’s one of the best I encountered plus additions.

Here are my highlights of this policy

➤ Background

– In a poll I ran a couple of weeks ago, 40% of the ~200 respondents said that they noticed a drop in the quality of colleagues’ work due to GenAI use

– This is a shame. GenAI can be helpful, but too many use it carelessly

– That’s why a policy comes in handy. Even for people who it in their personal lives.

– I encountered Polyaula policy almost by accident when Tammy Mackenzie mentioned it in a comment to the poll I ran

– It immediately caught my attention because it combines safety principles with concrete prompt engineering advice. That is, it teaches people how to prompt, rather than just teach them about safety. 

– I personally greatly benefited from reading this policy so I asked permission to share it. I hope it helps more people!

➤ Highlights of this policy

– Principles and examples in the form of an interactive Q&A

– Through prompt engineering explanations and example

– Questions for evaluating prospective tools

– Real company use cases

 – I also included suggestions for additions to the policy at the end.

➤ l I’d love to hear of other great GenAI policies! 

– This is the second GenAI policy I have featured, and I’m looking for more!

– The first one is here.



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