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UNCTAD Panel: "The multi-faceted implications of AI"

➤ I talked about why AI may impact developing countries more negatively and what they can do about it.

➤ My deck and the recording are here

➤ The organizer is UNCTAD = The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. It is the UN's leading institution dealing with trade and development

➤ The topic of the session is "The multi-faceted implications of AI"

➤ My co-speakers are:

🎤 Shamika Sirimanne, Ph.D., Director, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD

🎤 Anthony Wong, IFIP President

🎤Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Executive President of AI movement, Moroccan International Center for Artificial Intelligence

🎤Cédric Wachholz, Chief, Digital Policy and Digital Transformation Section, UNESCO

🎤Yuntao Wang, Deputy Chief Engineer, China Academy of Information and Communication Technology & Vice Chair of ITU-T Focus Group on Metaverse

🎤Hiwot Tesfaye, Technical Advisor, Microsoft

➤ Thank you for inviting me Angel Gonzalez, Clovis Freire, PhD , liping zhang!


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